Forever 21

I hope you all had an amazing weekend. I know I'm so late, it's already Wednesday. Well here's what happened.. on Friday I went to a friends pool party. My brother and boyfriend decided to throw me in the pool. Can you guess what happened? My phone went for a swim and drowned. I was without a phone until yesterday. I was pretty lost haha. It's crazy how attached we are to our phones, technology in general. I'm not going to lie.. I was upset that I was phoneless but after the first day I realized how much my phone takes over my life. I had no distractions and could really focus on a conversation, spending time with my family and boyfriend without always looking at my phone. But i'm back now lol and finally able to communicate through Instagram and my blog. This outfit was from yesterday. It was super hot so very little clothing was requires. This whole outfit from top to sandals are from Forever21. The sandals are no longer available so I added a link for a similar pair.
Thanks for stopping by!
xx Leticia