Blue Jean Baby

by - 8:23:00 PM

I'm back, my apoligies for being MIA. I have to admit I've been having a little trouble handling a full time job and blogging. I have never been good at time management haha.. I have been posting on my Instagram but I do miss blogging everyday. I'm going to try my best though to have content for you guys. It's also tough because my work outfits really aren't that great haha I mean I work in an office setting so I'm pretty limited on what I can wear. 

Well, let's get back to it. The weather has been getting nicer and on Saturday I definitely took advantage of it by wearing a denim romper I got from Forever21. I found on the clearence section for $15 so I had to buy it. It's perfect for Spring and Summer. You can wear it as a cover up during beach days or just casually like I did to grab some coffee. It's really comfy, oversized which I love. I always feel best when the clothing isn't tight, I get really annoyed when something keeps rubbing on me lol. I will tag the link for this romper under the pictures.

Have a great week!
xx Leticia 

Forever21 Fedora
Forever21 Denim Romper

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