Daily Routine

by - 8:59:00 AM

I love getting dolled up, I mean who doesn't right. Splurging on make-up is one of my favorite things to do haha, who doesn't love to spend hours and hours at Sephora trying on new lipstick shades or a new eyeshadow. It's so much fun! I don't wear make-up everyday, sometimes I like to let my skin breathe and just be natural. When I do wear make-up I like to make it as natural as possible. I've spent quite some time and money trying to figure out the best foundation, concealer & face products. It takes time, but I can finally say I've found what works for me. I found which foundation covers what I want to hide but also keeps my skin looking soft, natural as if I wasn't wearing any makeup.

It's a trial and error, i'm sure some of you can relate. If not, then consider yourself lucky.

Products I use:

I really struggled to find the perfect moisturizer for my skin. I used pretty much every drug store brand, nothing worked for me. My skin is dry so I need a hydrating cream. I was online shopping and came across samples from Bobbi Brown, the hydrating face cream and eye cream. It was a gift for purchasing a beauty product on Macy's. I tried it as soon as I received it. It was exactly what my dry skin needed. I've been using it for 3 years and my skin couldn't be better. It's so rich, hydrating.. it's perfect for me! It's also affordable, so you won't go broke from buying a face cream lol I know we often think the best things are the super expensive ones but that's not true. Trust me. 

Feel free to recommend any products that worked for you! I love trying new things. xx

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