Comfy Cool

Hi guys! My look for today was super comfy. What's better than oversized sweaters and boyfriend jeans? Nothing makes me happier then being able to dress up with my favorite pieces and still being comfy. I absolutely love wearing my boyfriend jeans with just about anything. I paired with this comfy sweater from H&M. I got it for only $25, it's so warm it'll be perfect for the cold new england weather that's coming. Today was sunny but a little windy so it worked just fine. I really didn't feel like doing my hair this morning so the baseball cap saved my life(again!) haha. It's hard enough to get up from my warm bed on Monday mornings, doing my hair is the last thing I want to do. I got these New Balance sneakers from Urban Outfitters a few months ago for only $40(what a steal!). Unfortunately, they aren't available anymore but I did add a link to other styles. Urban has plenty of styles, different colors so you'll be sure to find the right pair for you. Urban is offering an extra 25% off shoes, so take advantage!
(Pictures taken from my iPhone 6, my camera battery died as soon as we began the shoot.)
xx Leticia